Being a mumma…

There is no doubt being a mumma to a teenage daughter is crazy in these times. You can not compare “that is how it was when I was growing up”,because we live in unprecedented times. This world is changing so fast whether for good or bad, and so as a mumma we need to adapt to these times without compromising out morals and values that are our innermost truth. And there lies the challenge.

I have learnt more about myself than in any other relationship, in this sacred role of being a mumma. We see all our own unhealed childhood wounds, we project, we are vunerable, we are healing, we are crazy with frustration and we are tired. But through it all the love shines on.

When they are toddlers and cute beyond belief, the lack of sleep and time for ourselves gets put to the back of our mind, and on we march. The love is unmatched. As I'm learning, the teenage years are where the lessons for us parents are. I feel blessed I have been able to see my own lessons in this tricky navigation, doing it solo, my hormones dancing to a different rhythm, separating myself and my story from that of my daughters. Then both ourself and our children can realise and see that it is all karmic, the ancestral lineage we are carrying. Two souls, so different but same same.


Lessons in love…


Stories entwined….