The other side of passion…

In the last blog I spoke of the true passion of basically connecting with our true, authentic self. That is where the real core lies. But there is also the crazy, lustful, sexual passion that still deserves, time in this space. As any red-blooded woman knows there lies an absolutely amazing feeling like no other, when we feel that passion with another human being. But there also needs to be balance and never abandoning that core of yourself in that experience. This I truly know.

Like all of life there is a fine line, a delicate dance we must do between the two worlds. When our true desires are united with such fire and intensity, we can truly abandon ourself in that moment and lose ourselves in those moments of unbridled lust. To truly let go like that, to surrender fully to that moment is a beautiful thing. To really get out of the head, and be TOTALLY in the heart, so wild and free is magical. If you are CONNECTED, not only to the other but also to your own soul, you are in Utopia.

However if we don’t hold ourselves in that moment, if we abandon our core, things can get messy. Healthy boundaries dissappear, we can get lost in the journey and confuse lust for love. I truly feel life is a delicate dance, and in this case more than ever. Young love is a ripe breeding ground for obsession, possession and control. When we are young, males especially have a hard time defining between what is love and what is control. Because as we know LOVE is not about control, its actually the opposite. But when we don’t have that life experience and wisdom to fall back on, LOVE can become dangerous. The movie, “9 and a half weeks” anyone? Released in 1986, but still so relevant. Unbridled passion, lust, abandoning ourselves. And even though you know in your own heart of hearts, the deepest of truth, that it is not right or healthy, when you are deeply in that story, it can be so hard to get out.

